I got sent off to Dr Kenneth early yesterday morning and i can't remember much of what happened after that...i only know that im constantly woozy and sleepy all the time and i have no energy to walk much...and i have this ugly looking line down my belly which mummy calls stitches...doesn't hurt at all but its rather itchy...i've been threatened with the Elizabethan collar if i ever lick it again...no way am i putting on that hideous thing....and i absolutely refuse to allow mummy to post pictures of me wearing THAT thing on...
anyway, im feeling slightly better today and managed to finish my breakfast...other that that, im still very drowsy...ZZzzz
Oh no...i just discovered im quite bald underneath due to my op...sob...not only have i lost some beautiful fur, i now have a hideous looking red line with blue thread down my belly...
here's a pic of Dewei's girl whom mummy visited that day...very intelligent little girl who was abandoned and partially blind...mummy's super pissed with the irresponsible owners...
Oh dear ! what happened to kayla ? Hope everything is okay. Diva woof woff to kayla ! get well soon :)
haha nothing bad happened don't worry...
i just spayed her that's all...vet said it reduces the risk of breast and ovary cancer...im doing it more for the sick of "because Chopper is a male and i don't want a sheltie cross wire haired jrt"...hahaha
Oh i see, got a bad scare ! hahas even told Diva about it. she looks worried bout kayla too.
Can't wait for the gathering :)
hiya Kayla!!!!
You freaked me out!!! I thought something bad happened to you!!! ahhhh it's one of THOSE things Mommy said you gals hve to go through... Poor you gals. No worries, Kayla, Mommy said it's only ONCE in a lifetime thingy. And blue thread down your belly or not, Tristan still think you are hellavu babe!!! Btw, I was searching frantically for you last Sunday at the expo but couldn't find you! Mommy was upset I was distracted and did not make a perfect stack for the judge. Oh. Whatever. Looking out for friends are more important right? All these hoomans! They've got their priorities wrong! Who cares about stacking for Mr Judgy when I can't find my good fried there?!?!
Anyhows, Mommy said something about your Mommy couldn't make it coz' she had to work.... That's sad... I miss you again. :(
haha thanks for ur concern Diva :)
8 more days to the gathering!!!
Hi Tristan,
heehee sorry to have scared u guys...
and im still upset abt nto being able to make it down to the dog show to see u stack...i was once able to stack too but mummy doesn't know how to stack me so i kinda forgot how by now...
we keep missing each other don't we?hopefully we can meet soon tris...
Hey babe! Don't you worry about it?!?! You get well soonest ok?!?! I can do a stack for you. Anytime. Just for you. :) Actually your Mummy chose a good time to spay you too. I think. It's been raining hotdogs! Haven't it?!!? Duh!!! And I haven't been able to go out and work out all my Tristan's muscles (Either or, I'll come back looking like a brown dog and Mommy is not amused. Haha!)
So yeap, it's good weather for you to snooze and wooze.. And when your cute blue line is finally removed, you will be as good as new to enjoy the sun once again! :)
Yes Triatan u are right...the weather's lousy and i haven;t been getting any walks...*grouchy*
if u're free on 6th september come down to bishan park DR? we're having a sheltie gathering...heee
Hey Princess,
Thanks for the invite! Nah. 6th Sept is a no go coz' Mommy have to attend a full day corporate thingy! What the?!? It's a Sat!! Duh. I think she's just being slack! :( Oh well, if I'm bored, I might just finish up the chewy artwork I am doing on the table legs. Hah! Sssshhhh.. Keep it a secret. Don't tell else Mom will smack me! Hahaha!
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