Since it was Hari Raya and Dr Kenneth was gonna close at 2pm tt day, and Chopper's daddy was at work, mummy had to rush to get a cab to get from our cosy kennel in cck, to woodlands to pick Chopper up. And then, rush to yishun to where Dr Kenneth is. Unfortunately she had a hard time getting a cab cuz it was a public holiday...what more a cab that will take in a dog *rolls eyes*
Anyhoo, after all the hoo ha and all, Dr kenneth's assistant shaved off (yikes!) Chopper's fur around his butt and tail...he looked ridiculous with two circles of furless patch around his arse and a rat-like naked tail!
With the e-collar on, Chopper was so scared that he stayed in ONE position without a single twitch for one whole hour!!
So mummy decided to end his torture and took off his e-collar. Chopper was so exhausted he plopped straight onto the floor and panted like it was the biggest relief of his life!
Surprisingly Chopper was actually a little well behaved at my place as compared to at his own place...he's a total DEVIL at home!! and it was totally crazy to bring both dogs to walk at the same time so i had to do it one-at-a-time...salute to those who keep more than one dog at home!! esp to Sujun and Jazz...
Hope Chopper recovers soon!!
Get well soon Chopper !
thank you!
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